View Time
To view the current date and time, the following command will be enough
Set Time
To change time means to set a new time. To set time in Ubuntu (or any Linux), just run the following command
sudo date newdatetimestring
where newdatetimestring has to follow the format which is described below
nn is a two digit month, between 01 to 12
dd is a two digit day, between 01 and 31, with the regular rules for days according to month and year applying
hh is two digit hour, using the 24-hour period so it is between 00 and 23
mm is two digit minute, between 00 and 59
yyyy is the year; it can be two digit or four digit: your choice. I prefer to use four digit years whenever I can for better clarity and less confusion
ss is two digit seconds. Notice the period ‘.’ before the ss.
Let’s say you want to set your computer’s new time to December 6, 2007, 22:43:55, then you would use:
sudo date 120622432007.55
It couldn’t be any easier, could it? The source of this information was a good post on Ubuntu Forums (Set time/date via command line).